How to Get Rid of Migraine

How to Get Rid of Migraine

Migraine headaches are often debilitating and painful. They usually begin during adolescence and last through the 20s and 30s. Around 10 percent of adolescents and young adults suffer from frequent migraines. Hormonal changes during these years can contribute to the frequency of migraine attacks. Two percent of adults have chronic migraines.

Exercise reduces migraine attacks

If you suffer from migraines, exercise can help you avoid attacks. However, it is important to make sure that you exercise properly. The wrong type of exercise can put additional stress on your head, neck, and shoulders. It can also make you feel overheated, which can contribute to migraine headaches. To avoid this, wear lightweight clothing or point extra fans in your direction.

If you are not sure how much exercise is necessary to prevent migraine attacks, speak to your doctor. You can increase your exercise gradually, pacing it with caution to prevent overexertion. Other important tips to reduce your risk of having a migraine during exercise include eating the right food, wearing proper gear, and avoiding stress.

Stress-reduction strategies

One of the best ways to get rid of migraine is to reduce your stress levels. Stress is the main trigger of migraine. Stress reduction strategies include changing your daily routine and allowing yourself some wiggle room. Using cognitive behavior therapy to train yourself to change your thinking and behavior to accommodate stressful situations can also be beneficial. Migraine sufferers should avoid worrying about things that are out of their control because this will only cause them more stress.

Using a mantra to ground yourself in the present is also important. You can use “out of my hands,” “this too shall pass,” or “serenity now.” By repeating this mantra, you can stop the stress spiral before it starts. Another good stress-reduction strategy is finding a local support group for people who suffer from migraine. You can find such a group online or in your local area.

Herbal remedies

Herbal remedies have been used for centuries to treat a wide range of conditions, from migraines to stress. These medicines can be used over the counter or applied topically to the affected area. The herb rosemary, which belongs to the mint family, is a common addition to topical migraine remedies. It works as a sedative and helps the body relax. It is also anti-inflammatory.

Ginger is also a useful natural remedy for migraines, as it reduces inflammation of blood vessels in the head and eases pain. In addition, it promotes digestion and quells nausea during migraine attacks. It can be taken as a tea or as a supplement, or applied to the forehead as a paste.

Cold compresses

Cold compresses are a great way to relieve the pain associated with a migraine. The numbing effect of ice reduces inflammation and pain, while also constricting blood vessels. Cold can also reduce pain signals to the brain. While many of us are familiar with the use of medication to treat migraines, it is good to have other treatment options.

A number of studies have proven the effectiveness of cold therapy for migraines. In one study, participants were instructed to use an adjustable neck wrap to hold ice packs over the carotid arteries in the neck. After twenty-five minutes, fifty to sixty percent of the participants reported increased comfort and reduced pain. Of the participants, only eight percent reported complete relief and a significant number (42%) still needed pain medications.

Prescription medications

There are a variety of prescription medications for the treatment of migraines, and each one has its advantages and disadvantages. The triptans, or painkillers, are the most popular and effective options. These drugs block the pain response in the brain, and can stop attacks before they even begin. Other options include a combination of medicines.

In addition to taking over-the-counter drugs, migraine sufferers can also see a physician who specializes in treating migraines. A GP can prescribe a combination of prescription and OTC medicines that help to relieve the pain and reduce the frequency of future attacks. For severe attacks, a doctor can prescribe stronger medicine.


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